Pavlina Bodzasiova, born 12/05/1896 traveled to Canada - Toronto in the 20-ies of the 20th century. In Slovakia remained outstanding her land title that her offspring must resolve. The family has no contact information about her grandson or great-grandson in Toronto and any of the other older living relatives does not have a contact on her relatives in Canada.
So that I could continue here with the real estate settlement solutions, I need to know the date and place of death of Pavlina BODZASIOVA, otherwise a death certificate cannot be issued, according to information from the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Ottawa. I ask you for help in obtaining the date of death, or at least an advice on where I could turn to.
Thank you very much for helpfulness, please send me any information by e-mail to <
With Many thanks,
Ludmila Pazderová