Life in Calgary at full speed

Zivot 200While many Slovak communities in Canada age, the one in Calgary is getting younger. Lasting economic boom and labor shortage causes that Calgary attracts every year tens of thousands of new residents. And some from Slovakia. Top experts can easily find a job, not only in traditional energy sectors, but also in a variety of different industries, because the low taxes in Alberta attract many companies to relocate here.

Many young Slovak experts are too busy and their young families have a wide variety of interests, so the meetings and activities in traditional Slovak associations are not very attractive to them. But everybody has an inner need to meet among "our own".

A year ago, a real estate broker Miki Somos with friends started meeting once a month in one of the Calgarian pub and now it became a tradition for every first Wednesday of the month. Up to a hundred Slovaks and Czechs get together every month at the Brewsters Restaurant to meet, talk, but also exchange tips and experiences, because every month in Calgary appear more and more "newcombers".

After a year, it was time to celebrate the first birthday of the group Life in Calgary, which already has its own web site

To enable attendance of whole families with children, the group has rented one of the city's community centers and everybody had a good time. Not only for excellent goulash and other goodies, good Slovak and Czech beers, kids corner with games and activities but especially for a great atmosphere and friendly spirit.

We wish the Life in Calgary a very long and productive life and don't forget to come to their get-togethers every first Wednesday of the month at the Brewster Restaurant, 834-11 Avenue SW in downtown Calgary.

Text and photos : Paul Carnogursky