Popular events
From December to March, if snow conditions permit, there are regular ski trips at the Chicoppee skiing club close to highway 401. During the summer there are Slovak picnics and CSL Branch 34 co-organizes the annual Slovak Day in Mississauga. Annual Slovak Pilgrimage in Midland takes place on the first Sunday in July. Branch 34 also supports the Annual Slovak Graduation Ball in Mississauga for graduates of Slovak origin, held in November.
St. Gregory Church, at 10 St. Gregory's Drive in Cambridge, Ontario N1S 3Z1 serves Slovak mass twice a month, with father Jozef Vaňo. More info and Mass schedule please see http://www.slovakchurch.com/cambridge.htm
Slovaks from our area also attend Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church in Hamilton, website www.slovakchurch.com and The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite) on 1406 Barton Street East in Hamilton with father Jozef Mucha.