Beginning on December 21st, 2013, the winter solstice, an extraordinary ice storm impacted large portions of southern Ontario.
The truly astonishing ice storm had far reaching consequences for trees, property, and roadways. Sadly, thousands of residents remained without power for several days and nights. Initially an estimated 300,000 Torontonians had no electricity, and thousands remained without power for up to nine days in bitterly cold temperatures.
Despite the severe damage to trees and property as well as serious power outages, the natural landscape in the immediate aftermath of the ice storm paradoxically appeared pristine, delicate, and beautifully surreal. Layers of ice, and later snow, encased nearly everything it had come into contact with, which created a seldom-seen wintry wonderland.
The crystalline-transformed terrain inspired me to take a number of photos in Mississauga, Ontario. It was, perhaps, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visually preserve a remarkable marvel of nature.
Photos: Eric Oberhauser
Note about Eric: Eric Oberhauser's maternal grandfather, Valentine Pisko, was born in Veľké Rovné (near Žilina), Slovakia. He arrived in Toronto in the late 1920s, and passed away in 1957. His maternal grandmother, Mary Pisko (née Mary Mačeas), was also originally from Veľké Rovné and immigrated to Canada in 1934. She initially resided in northern Ontario (Hunta), and later lived most of her life in Toronto. Mary Pisko passed away in 1996. Both grandparents were among the original founders/supporters towards the building of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Catholic Church in Toronto at Claremont and Robinson Streets (near Queen Street West). The Church was of central importance throughout his grandmother's, Baba's, life. Visit the Art by Oberhauser website at to see paintings and sculptures created by Eric Oberhauser and to learn more about the artist.