Appreciation to our Priests

01a DakujemeParishioners from Sts. Cyril and Methodious Parish in Mississauga assembled together to show appreciation to our Priest Father Grzegorz Nowicki, visiting Priest Father Bartolomej Urbanec and supporting Seminarist Thomas.

On April 25th, at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Parish in Mississauga, after livestreaming Saturday Mass, Father Gregory and Father Bartolomej received an unexpected surprise from parishioners – a procession of cars in appreciation of their efforts, during COVID-19 isolation, to have masses every day.  We don’t know how long this will last but probably in the foreseeable future, and it makes all of us feeling good when we can spiritually visit our familiar church with familiar priest/s serving mass.  Pictures from the mass are snapshots from the screen, might not be of the best quality but they catch the atmosphere.  THANK YOU to our priests for making sure that we can feel at peace about ourselves and the world.

Also on Friday, April 24th, it was Father Gregory's birthday, therefore, it was celebrated at the same time with a cake made by our own Martha and Jana, and Miro L played from a prescribed distance on his trombone 'Happy Birthday' and 'Sto ľat'.  Everyone who participated felt great just to see all the familiar faces. Thanks to Terka Belej and Michael Goc for organizing the car procession.

Feel free to join our Slovak Mass from Monday to Friday at 19:00 p.m., with 18:30 Rosary, Saturday at 17:00, 16:30 Rosary, Sunday at 9:00 English Mass and at 11:00 Slovak Mass, 10:30 Rosary, on the following links:
or join a Zoom Meeting at

Text and Photos: Helen von Friedl