Let's start the celebration with a review of some of the historical milestones and personalities that made Welland such a strong and cohesive Slovak community.
Slovaks in Canada congratulate the current leadership of Branch 23 and wish them many great successes in the future.
President: Branislav Galat
Vice President: Michael Simko
Secretary: Margita Galat
Treasurer: Christine Dzugan
Recording Secretary: Mary Danylko
Chair, Audit Committee: Paul Vyrostko
Auditor: Luke Dzugan
Auditor: Stefan Kamendy
The photographs are from the project 'Digitizing CSL Archive', for which the CSL received a financial assistance from the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Click on the picture to see them in full size and then use the right arrow on the keyboard to advance the photos.